There is a lesson to be learned from watching this video. This video reaching almost 150 million views on YouTube 2012. It is a great video, but the music is not the lesson learned. Watch the video and see what you learn.
I'm sure you saw the same think that I saw....Teamwork! It took a lot of teamwork to create this video. This is a skill everyone could polish in their life and career. Employers need people who play well in the sandbox together. It is amazon what people can do when they work together as a team.
Think back when everyone did for himself. Back when people farmed and provided for their families. Sure, there may have been a little trading going on, but most people provided for their own families. It was like that for many years. Then when people started working together, things started happening. We had cars, electricity, telephones, satellite, internet, etc. This all takes teamwork!
It blows my mind how little things evolved the past several thousand years, and how much it has changed in just the past two hundred years.
So if you want to excel in your career, remember to work on your team skills.
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